Returns and Exchanges

Both Reserva Ibérica and its suppliers guarantee the highest quality of the products offered for sale on this website. In any case, you have 15 days from receipt of the order to return your purchase.

Send us an email with the subject 'Product return', and our Customer Service department will immediately take care of solving any errors. Please tell us your information, the order number and the problem to be solved. If necessary, we will contact you to request additional information.

If the shipment has not been opened, and you simply regret the purchase upon receipt, don't worry, we will immediately refund your money (1).

If the product is in poor condition, we will replace the product or refund your money, at your option. We will contact you to agree on the day they will pick it up.


  • A piece of ham or shoulder is considered to be in poor condition when it has an unpleasant smell or taste, the result of an incorrect curing process (2).
  • The product must be returned in its original packaging (which must not show signs of damage), and be perfectly sealed to prevent damage to the product during transport back to our facilities.
  • In hams, shoulders and sausages, it is necessary to return at least 80% of the weight of the product. In other words, finished pieces with more than 20% of the product missing will not be accepted.
  • The hams and shoulders must come with the original seals, marches or labels, without these having been manipulated.

In the event that the product is returned, and it does not comply with the previous points, we are sorry, but we will not be able to accept the return. In this case you will have to bear the cost of the return transport and forwarding.

(1) As the return is not motivated by a bad behavior of Reserva Ibérica, you will have to bear the transport costs of the shipment and the return.

(2) Our products are pierced both by the producer and by our professionals at the time of selecting the piece for each order. This double guarantee control has allowed us to reduce the percentage of returns for this reason to below 0.1%.